The Impact of Gas Modeling in the Numerical Analysis of a Multistage Gas Turbine

TitleThe Impact of Gas Modeling in the Numerical Analysis of a Multistage Gas Turbine
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsRubechini F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Maritano M, Cecchi S
Conference NameASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
Volume6: Turbomachinery, Parts A and B
Date Published05/2006
Conference LocationBarcelona, Spain, May 8–11, 2006
ISBN Number0-7918-4241-X
Accession NumberWOS:000242494000051
Other NumbersScopus 2-s2.0-33750889613
AbstractIn this work a numerical investigation of a four stage heavy-duty gas turbine is presented. Fully three-dimensional, multistage, Navier-Stokes analyses are carried out to predict the overall turbine performance. Coolant injections, cavity purge flows and leakage flows are included in the turbine modeling by means of suitable wall boundary conditions. The main objective is the evaluation of the impact of gas modeling on the prediction of the stage and turbine performance parameters. To this end, four different gas models were used: three models are based on the perfect gas assumption with different values of constant cp , and the fourth is a real gas model which accounts for thermodynamic gas properties variations with temperature and mean fuel/air ratio distribution in the through-flow direction. For the real gas computations, a numerical model is used which is based on the use of gas property tables, and exploits a local fitting of gas data to compute thermodynamic properties. Experimental measurements are available for comparison purposes in terms of static pressure values at inlet/outlet of each row and total temperature at the turbine exit.
Refereed DesignationRefereed